Tag: Fintech

Total 89 Posts

Can Digital Monitoring Unlock Climate Finance?

Last year, Mondato partnered with the GSMA to map the landscape of innovative finance instruments targeting improved delivery
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Betting on Chaos: Africa’s Thriving Online Gambling Industry

For 36-year-old Zimbabwean Charles Mpeni, a former civil servant and gambling addict, betting on horses was a harmless
Author image Mondato

Brazil and India Usher In The Open Finance Era

It took a few years of discussions, proposals and frustrations for open banking to become an actual, concrete
Author image Mondato

Fintech And The Era of Digital Public Infrastructure

When Anit Mukherjee arrived in Washington, DC in 2013, a friend suggested ordering something called Uber to pick
Author image Mondato

Open Banking in Nigeria: Are Grassroots Efforts Enough?

After several years of slow progress, some of the earliest examples of open banking frameworks have begun to
Author image Mondato

Gen AI In Emerging Markets: Is The Hype Warranted?

In an otherwise difficult funding environment, slapping “AI’ onto any product or service has become shorthand for “we’
Author image Mondato

Three Fintech Trends From 2023 — And How They May Look In 2024

In 2023, the dichotomy between success and failure in the fintech world never felt more stark. Emerging technologies
Author image Mondato

Psychometrics: What Makes A Reliable Borrower?

With various forms of data proving insufficient or invasive (or both), the quest for privacy-protective — yet repayment-predictive — data
Author image Mondato

Inclusion Through Gig Work: A Tricky Venture

The idea to utilize gig work for financial inclusion purposes is obvious, yet its manifestation is elusive. The
Author image Mondato

Bridging The Access-Usage Gap, Literacy Efforts Aren’t Key — Addressing Need Is

Even following COVID’s turbocharge of digital uptake, the slower gains in usage compared to access renders financial
Author image Mondato

South Africa: A Model Of Stability Or Stymied Innovation?

Fintech in South Africa is one of many caveats. A country with a highly banked population — yet one
Author image Mondato

Small Scale Series: Island Hopping Across the Caribbean

Approximately 45 million people spread out over 7,000 islands, 13 independent countries, 20 territories, six official languages,
Author image Mondato

Post-SVB: Are Emerging Markets Digital Banks’ Oasis?

As funding goes dry and rising interest rates threaten some fintechs predicated on cheap money, the recent collapse
Author image Mondato

Small Scale Series: Tiny Markets in West Africa

When it comes to fintech, scale sells. Any start-up seeking sustainability requires a measure of scale in a
Author image Mondato

Regulation: Time to Ask for Permission And Not Forgiveness

The common saying “ask for forgiveness and not permission” has never been more contentious than it is in
Author image Mondato

Are Colleges Failing At Blockchain?

Surf the internet, and you’ll find countless Twitter wars and Op-Eds about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, especially following
Author image Mondato

Cross-Border Integration and The Future of Frictionless Finance

As 2023 gets underway, it is still not clear whether the shots of digitization induced by the pandemic
Author image Mondato

Africa’s Social Commerce Runners: Raising The Floor, But Lowering The Ceiling?

Social commerce is making inroads across Africa, propelled by stronger cross-border trade corridors that are helping to plug
Author image Mondato

Fintech 2023: Looking Back To Look Forward

In the first two years of the COVID pandemic, “acceleration” was the overused buzzword for what lockdowns and
Author image Mondato

FTX Aftershocks: Creation Through Destruction?

Weeks after FTX’s monumental collapse, the aftershocks continue as investors, regulators and companies take stock of what
Author image Mondato

Regulation: The Secret Ingredient To Uganda’s Fintech Sauce?

The East African country of Uganda has historically played second or third fiddle to fintech giants Kenya to
Author image Mondato

The New Rules And Norms Shaping Alternative Data 2.0

The first wave of alternative data use gave rise to powerhouse companies across key markets in the African
Author image Mondato

Gambling And Fintech: Two Sides Of The Same Coin?

Similar to cannabis [https://blog.mondato.com/the-cannabis-industry-is-going-digital/], the growing legal acceptance of gambling in the United States
Author image Mondato

Where Financial Inclusion and Climate Resilience Intersect

Despite contributing the least [https://allianceforscience.cornell.edu/blog/2020/09/oxfam-the-worlds-poor-suffer-disproportionately-from-carbon-emissions-generated-by-the-rich/] to greenhouse gas emissions, smallholder farmers
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