Best of CARTES 2013: Biggest Trends + Innovative Products

Security was one of the main themes resonating at last week’s CARTES event, an exhibition focused on
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P2P Payments as a Catalyst for Mass Mobile Payment Adoption

Person-to-person (P2P) payment applications have caught the media’s attention with the recent launch of Square Cash. While
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4 Lessons for Launching E-Commerce in Emerging Markets

Launching innovative services in any market can be challenging, but there are specific considerations which must be taken
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How to Launch Successful E-Commerce Ventures in Southeast Asia & Beyond

Digital commerce is taking off rapidly in emerging markets, and Southeast Asia is at the center of the
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The Best of Money2020: Launches & Trends to Watch

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But this time we are breaking that rule to
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Three Ways to Become an mCommerce Disruptor

“The most used mobile payment device is still the plastic card” -Bank of America, Aditya Bhasin Mobile is
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NFC vs. BLE: The Rise of the Beacons

With NFC evidently on the decline, then what is emerging to take its place? If new product launches
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Google & Apple: Final Nails in the NFC Coffin?

Formerly the poster child of next generation mobile commerce, near-field communication (NFC) technology has fallen from grace. Product
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M-Banking Among Friends

Despite strides to adapt to technological advances, banks still move relatively slow. Saddled with regulatory constraints and complex
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Can Banks Survive (And Thrive) In the Digital Era?

For traditional, consumer-facing banks, adapting to fast-moving technological changes can be a matter of survival. Facing competition from
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Can Social Media Spur Mobile Payments Adoption?

In the emergent tech-infused financial services ecosystem, social networking tools play an increasingly important role both in marketing
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Facebook, Google & the Tech Takeover of Payments

With tech giants such as Facebook and Google recently launching a stream of new payments offerings, it seems
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As Banks Cut Lifeline, Will Remittance Alternatives Emerge?

In May, Barclays served notice that it would close the accounts of approximately 250 companies that no longer
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From Google Glass to “Smart” Watches: Are Wearables the Future of Commerce?

2013 has been deemed the year of wearable, “smart” technology. From watches to Google Glass, can wearable technology
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Regulations in MFS: Constraints or Necessary Protections?

Regulations play an essential role in fostering an enabling environment for the growth of mobile financial services, developing
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Is Mobile Money Meetings Its Promise in Emerging Markets?

Mobile money is still in its nascent stage, as only four years ago there were less than 20
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Beyond the Bubble: Can Bitcoin Enter the Mainstream E-Commerce Space?

Amid declining trust in the global banking system, peer-to-peer virtual currency Bitcoin has been thrust into the spotlight
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M-Payments in the Peer-to-Peer Sharing Economy

In the emergent peer-to-peer “sharing” economy, new technology has made sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever, from
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What is the Impact of Mastercard's New Digital Wallet Fee?

As digital wallets quietly enter the brick-and-mortar retail space, expanding beyond their online roots, their relationship with traditional
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Can Digital Wallets Save Brick-And-Mortar Retail?

As shoppers increasingly migrate online, whether via their computers, smartphones or tablets, brick-and-mortar retailers must find ways to
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Beyond NFC: The Next Generation of M-Payment Technology

From Google Wallet to the recently-launched Isis, Near Field Communications (NFC) has emerged as a choice technology to
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M-Payment Tech Drives Remittance Innovation

The existing international money transfer realm is often expensive and inefficient for migrant workers, particularly those sending money
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Beyond Square: The Evolving Mobile POS

Driven by the runaway success of Square in the US, the mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) has recently experienced a
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Mobile Financial Services Round-Up from MWC 2013

Influencers from across the mobile ecosystem descended upon Barcelona last week for the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2013,
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