Tag: Payments

Total 45 Posts

Betting on Chaos: Africa’s Thriving Online Gambling Industry

For 36-year-old Zimbabwean Charles Mpeni, a former civil servant and gambling addict, betting on horses was a harmless
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Three Fintech Trends From 2023 — And How They May Look In 2024

In 2023, the dichotomy between success and failure in the fintech world never felt more stark. Emerging technologies
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Cross-Border Integration and The Future of Frictionless Finance

As 2023 gets underway, it is still not clear whether the shots of digitization induced by the pandemic
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Mobile Money In Zimbabwe: Shaken, But Still Standing

The popularity of mobile money in Zimbabwe is stifled by the government’s policies, high transaction fees and
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Gambling And Fintech: Two Sides Of The Same Coin?

Similar to cannabis [https://blog.mondato.com/the-cannabis-industry-is-going-digital/], the growing legal acceptance of gambling in the United States
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Brazil’s Pix: Should Instant Payment Rails Be A Public Good?

When Mondato Insight last discussed [https://blog.mondato.com/whatsapp-payments-case-study-brazil/] instant payments in Brazil in 2020, Brazil’s
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Instant Payments: A Key To Financial Inclusion?

Instant payments, or real-time payments, are the future. Instant payments have considerably accelerated during the pandemic, driven by
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Blockchain-Based Payments in Kenya: A Square Peg in a Round Hole?

If you were to conduct a quick Google search on how many crypto owners there are in Kenya,
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Big Tech in Financial Services: A New Regulatory Paradigm

The digital age began in the 1990s with the Internet’s “information superhighway.” For the first time in
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Blockchain’s Emerging Opportunities in Emerging Markets

If futurists’ predictions about the paradigm-shifting impact of digital ledger technologies — more commonly known as blockchain — are realized,
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The Dangers of the One-Click Buy Paradigm

The fintech revolution has centered around the idea of making payments frictionless, painless and flush with options. The
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COVID’s G2P Revolution: Togo as a Case Study

Effective targeting is critical for government programs as well as market penetration strategies to succeed — a challenge exacerbated
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Is Covid the “Big Bang” of Digital Payments?

As we enter the second year of the Covid pandemic, headlines are still dominated by the global transition
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The Death Of Cash: Greatly Exaggerated?

The death of cash has been foretold for years. Among other causes, the rise of digital payment tools
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Digital Distancing: The Key To Payments Reimagined

Digital payments are receiving much special attention at the moment. Firstly, officials in China and elsewhere hypothesized early
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Better Payments, Better Apps: The Sharing Economy Wars

The so-called “sharing economy,” led by ride-sharing pioneers like Uber and home-sharing pioneers like Airbnb, has expanded to
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Consolidation: The Only Path for Ecommerce?

Facebook's notorious Libra melodrama over the last few months is just one example suggesting that big
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The Biggest Ideas at Finovate Fall 2019

If the next billion-dollar fintech was being pitched this week, it was probably happening in New York. Over
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eSIM: Fresh Paint For Mobile, Payments And Identity

If Apple has anything to say about it, embedded SIM cards, or eSIMs, may be poised to replace
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Payments Banks: Nigeria Takes A Page From India

Since it was rebased in 2014, Nigeria’s economy overtook South Africa’s as the largest in Africa.
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Remittances: Ending Cash-Out

Thirty years after being first introduced, digital remittances have failed to truly take off. 90 percent of remittances
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Crowdfunding 2.0: The Membership Model

Artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers and other creatives struggle every day to be equitably compensated for their labor. Quite
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Mojaloop: Taking Stock

For some time now, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has preoccupied itself with fragmented payment ecosystems. This
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Are The Economics Of Cash Crumbling?

Since the dawn of civilization, physical currency has been the backbone of everyday commerce. But in 2019, prophesies
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