Tag: Africa

Total 38 Posts

Betting on Chaos: Africa’s Thriving Online Gambling Industry

For 36-year-old Zimbabwean Charles Mpeni, a former civil servant and gambling addict, betting on horses was a harmless
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Small Scale Series: Tiny Markets in West Africa

When it comes to fintech, scale sells. Any start-up seeking sustainability requires a measure of scale in a
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Regulation: Time to Ask for Permission And Not Forgiveness

The common saying “ask for forgiveness and not permission” has never been more contentious than it is in
Author image Mondato

Regulation: The Secret Ingredient To Uganda’s Fintech Sauce?

The East African country of Uganda has historically played second or third fiddle to fintech giants Kenya to
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King Cash in the Congo: A Tale of Three Cities

Throughout much of the developing world, the availability and use of digital finance services have become the norm
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Smartphones In Africa: Reaching An Inflection Point?

If Africa leapfrogged landline telephony into the mobile era, it has only shuffled towards the smartphone era. Yet
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Blockchain-Based Payments in Kenya: A Square Peg in a Round Hole?

If you were to conduct a quick Google search on how many crypto owners there are in Kenya,
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Can Utilities Digitize in Africa?

Utilities are odd organizations. They provide vital critical services like clean water, electricity, waste and sanitation, whose importance
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The Gig Economy’s Next Frontier: Africa

As people across the globe embrace working from home and leave formal employment in favor of gig-based work,
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Can Africa Leapfrog Towards Open Banking?

Open banking is seen in some circles as the next great leap forward in digital finance. By allowing
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Africa’s VC Boom: An Enabling Present or a Bet On The Future?

With African tech startups expected to receive a record-breaking amount [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/05/study-shows-virtual-capital-for-african-startups-is-steeply-increasing/
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Rwanda: Land of 1,000 Digital Contradictions

Small, mountainous and land-locked, Rwanda’s rugged topology subtly influences all facets of life for its almost 13
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COVID’s G2P Revolution: Togo as a Case Study

Effective targeting is critical for government programs as well as market penetration strategies to succeed — a challenge exacerbated
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Beyond the Last Mile: Reconsidering “Rurality”

For far too long, the imaginary divide between rural and urban has proven more of a hindrance than
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Remittances: Still Strong, Still Evolving

Last month, the World Bank issued some dire predictions about the remittance market crashing. But as the post-COVID
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The Youth In Emerging Markets: A Segment At Risk

As international agencies and governments respond to the health and economic shocks of COVID-19 crisis, special consideration should
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution: An Opportunity For Africa

With the world economy at a standstill, African nations are literally holding their breaths. The loss of life
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Africa's Financial Flows: Homeward Bound?

It's been nearly five years since SWIFT, the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging
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Smartphones: The Future Of African Urban Planning?

Humanity faces the mammoth task of adding over 2 billion people to the urban population before 2050, the
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Mobile Credit: The Airtime, Mobile Money Dichotomy

The delivery of mobile credit (at least when transported on the rails of mobile network operators) has been
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Will Mobile Money Drive Digital Media In Africa?

Traditionally, advertising has been the driving fuel for the production of the information we consume. But in emerging
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Global Findex 2017: West Africa Steps Into The Spotlight

When the World Bank's 2014 Global Findex numbers were published, the banner headline figures announced a
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Digital-Only Banks Go Global

A little less than a year ago, Mondato weighed the future of the bank branch. While North American
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International Remittance Hubs: Interoperability Evolving

Most countries are fumbling to find the proper footing, momentum or buy-in to coordinate a national campaign for
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