Los múltiples modelos de finanzas digitales en América Latina

El sistema bancario en América Latina está enraizado en las economías de la región, y varios bancos han
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Is OTC a Trojan Horse or an Elephant Trap?

In some emerging Digital Finance and Commerce (DFC) markets, particularly in South Asia, the vast majority of Digital
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DFC in Latin America: One Size Does Not Fit All

Latin America’s banking system is deeply rooted in the region’s economies, and several banks have been
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The Socialization of Payments

Some two years ago, Mondato Insight considered the question of whether two of the world's most
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Mobile Money: Making mHealth Sustainable

In the majority of mobile service use cases, fees charged to the end-user are usually a key element
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How Do You Say "Mobile Payments' World Leader" in Chinese?

Much like Frank Sinatra, China has a well-deserved reputation for doing things its own way. So much so,
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The "Win" Side of the PSD2: Security Opportunities

The following is summary of a presentation held by Ariadne Plaitakis, Head of Regulatory at Mondato, at ENISA&
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Learning Lessons from Emerging Markets EdTech

EdTech is one of the hottest trends in Silicon Valley. Laurene Powell Jobs, an American executive and founder
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P2G > G2P ?

It has long been a cornerstone of conventional analysis of mobile financial services (MFS) that governments have a
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Move Over Techies, Farmers Are the New (and Old) Frontier

Technological innovation is disrupting agricultural value and supply chains, no matter whether in relation to pre-cultivation, cultivation and
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Post Offices: A Crucial Piece of Digital Finance Infrastructure?

Over the past year, Mondato Insight has noted the central role that logistics has to play in the
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(In)Accessible Nepal

Nepal, with its Himalayan peaks and Buddhist monks, is a remote and inaccessible country, with an underdeveloped financial
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Mondato Summit Asia 2016: The Transitioning of Financial Services in Emerging Asia

Vibrant, colorful Bangkok was the host of the third annual Mondato Summit Asia on September 20-21 2016, which
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Finovate 2016: Technology Is Neither A Panacea, Nor An Island

Perhaps, within the industry of financial services, analysts have been over-eager, or even cavalier, in their description of
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The End of Your Flexible Friend?

Once upon a time, having a plastic credit card in your pocket was a sign of affluence, a
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The Regulatory Sandbox

Most parents of little ones this summer will probably have found themselves at some point in a sandbox,
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Is the 'Gig Economy' Running Into Political Trouble?

In a previous Mondato Insight we examined the role of "apptivism" in pressuring regulators and lawmakers
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Pokemon GO: Time to Reconcile DFC with Brick-and-Mortar?

The mania that is Pokémon GO has descended upon the global markets in a disruptive, all consuming fervor.
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The Cuban Case for Digital Finance & Commerce – Within Reach or Far-Fetched?

When the gates to Cuba opened up to Americans last year, it was quickly added to many bucket
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The Refugee Crisis: Where Aid, Fintech and Biometrics Intersect

Not too long ago, beleaguered and destitute, refugees settled for proximate camp or municipality compounds that offered some
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Third Time's Not A Charm: M-PESA's South African Flop

When Vodacom relaunched M-PESA in South Africa two years ago, some questioned the wisdom of yet another relaunch
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The Eastern European Fintech Opportunity

Although "Eastern Europe" is more of a political term than one that carries any geographical meaning,
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Mystery Box Commerce

San Francisco, 1998: * So you are telling me that in the future people are going to be able
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The Mobile Money Adoption Curve: If You Build It, Will They Come?

Following the success of M-PESA in Kenya, hype has surrounded the opportunity and potential growth of mobile money
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